Before requesting our services, check out some frequently asked questions below!
What level of First Aid provision does the MedVent Unit provide?
Typically, the MedVent unit will offer service to the Standard First Aid level. This covers the basics for a typical event. As required, the MedVent unit can also offer service to the First Responder or even Emergency Medical Responder level, and always has members on‐site certified to that level or higher. This level of service can include oxygen administration and other more advanced levels of care. When a request is made for MedVent participation, information will be requested pertaining to the event, and an assessment will be made as to the suggested level of coverage. MedVents will never “rescue” or “transport” patients. Any event requiring these services will need to engage professional organizations specializing in this. |
What does the event organizer need to provide?
Once an initial request is made for MedVent services, some basic information will be requested on the event. Typical advance information would be the date, time and location of the event, the nature of the event itself, the approximate number of people expected, and related information. There will be additional discussion on the nature of service required, and logistics such as the placement of the first aid post, access or parking requirements, meal requirements, etc. The MedVent unit will bring all required first aid equipment and supplies. Depending on the nature of the event, the unit may request the organizer arrange access to an indoor room if possible (eg. For outdoor winter events, we may need a heated area), and signage as required to ensure the participants can find the first aid post. The organizer will also need to provide a mechanism to communicate with event leaders (radio, phone numbers) in case the unit needs to contact the event leaders. The unit usually brings its own equipment for communications within the first aid team. |
How do I make a request for service?
Click the button below, which will open a new Submission form. It is recommended that initial contact be made as far in advance of the event as possible, and typically at least four to six weeks in advance. In the form, provide as much information on the event as possible. Since each event is different, there will typically be some back and forth on details; so that once the date of the event arrives we’ll have planned for most contingencies. This is why it is requested that contact be made as early as possible. Once all of the information is worked out, a quote can be prepared with the suggested honorarium amount appropriate to the level of coverage required. If you already have an amount in mind, simply mention this as part of the request. |